OLDIESOldies.RU | Chris Rea - The Road to Hell 

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Chris Rea - The Road to Hell

Well I'm standing by the river,
But the water doesn't flow.
It boils with every poison -
You can think of.

And I'm underneath the street light,
The delight of joy I know,
Scared beyond belief,
Way down in the shadows.

And the perverted fear of violence,
Chokes a smile on every face,
Common sense is ringing, out the bells.
This ain't no technological breakdown,
Oh-no, this is the road to hell.

And as the roads jam up with credit,
And there's nothing you can do,
It's all just bits of paper,
Flying a way from you.
Oh look out world take a good look,
Look who's down there,
You must learn this lesson fast, and learn it well.

This ain't no upwardly mobile freeway,
Oh-no, this is the road,
This is the road,
This is the road ... to hell.


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