OLDIESOldies.RU | World Weary 

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ANTIK.BYZ: антиквариат, серебро, фарфор, часы, доска объявлений.
ЗХК.RU: Фарфоровый Мир Полонии
Goldies.RU - Коллекция старых игр
CHARIBDIS: незабываемое приключение.
Занимательные истории Акинфов, коллекция серебряных фигурок и миниатюр, картин по дереву и икон

World Weary

When I'm feeling weary and blue, I'm only too
Glad to be left alone.
Dreaming of a place in the sun when day is done,
far from a telephone.

Hardly ever see the sky.
Buildings seem to grow so high.

Give me somewhere peaceful and grand where all the land
slumbers in monotone.

I'm world weary, world weary;
living in a great big town.
I find it so dreary, so dreary;
everything looks grey or brown.
I want an ocean blue,
Great big trees,
A bird's eye view of the Pyrenees.
I wanna watch the moon rise up
And see the great red sun go down.

Watching clouds go by through a windy sky fascinates me.
But if I do it in the street every cop I meet
Simply hates me.
Because I'm world weary, world weary;
Tired of all these jumping jacks.
I long to get right back to nature and relax.

I want a horse and plow, chickens too.
Just one cow with a wistful moo.

I can hardly wait till I see the great open spaces.
My loving friends will not be there; I'm so sick of their ... fool faces.
Because I'm world weary, world weary.
Tired of all these jumping jacks.
I want to get right back to nature and relax.


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